Health Services

The School Nurse is the cornerstone of the School Health Services program at South Coast Educational Collaborative, and his/her role interacts with three major systems affecting children and adolescents: education, health and public health. The School Nurse is responsible for a defined population of students. This requires both clinical and management expertise, as well as the ability to work with families and a range of disciplines within both the school and the community. Our nurses work under the direction and support of our school physician, Dr. Jeannine Audet who is a board certified developmental pediatrician. Dr. Audet consults with our team of educational professionals and provides direct in school treatment for students. Her services include:
  • Diagnostic evaluation
  • Consultation with SCEC staff regarding student behavior management and school based services
  • Consultation with outpatient therapists and/ or prescriber
  • Providing ongoing medication management
  • Participation in IEP and Family Consult Meetings

We provide healthcare to student ages 3-22 in a variety of school settings. Our nurses offer an extensive and complex range of services, including assessing and treating illnesses; managing chronic diseases; administering medication; providing care assisted with medical technology; linking children with insurance and/or primary care providers; providing first aid and emergency care for a range of injuries and health conditions; identifying students at risk for a variety of issues, including teen pregnancy, substance abuse, bullying, and depression; completing mandated health screenings; and providing support and referral resources for children and their families experiencing acute crisis or emotional upheaval.

Our health service team offers both internal and external professional development opportunities for a variety of health topics including: Employee and Student Wellness Programs; Universal Precautions; Medication Administration and Delegations; First Aid and CPR; Health Care Plan development for students with specialized health care needs; Mentoring first year school nurses plus job alike shadow experiences; and Navigating the Educator Evaluation process for licensed school nurses.


Maggie Arruda, MSN-RN

Health Services Administrator

(508) 965-6239